A few notes on railing frame shapes
The longer a railing is the more upright bars it will require, if trying work with a design that has a centre bar it sometimes means the gap between bars needs to be closed down to accommodate and addition bar.
The most simple and common railing design,. Can be with railing heads as drawn or with scrolls as the top decoration, or just left plain. The basic “ladder” is quickest to make and thus the cheapest, simply because all bars are cut to the same size for the uprights, and no time is required to bend an arch Individual designs can be quite easily achieved by adding parts from our bar design page. This makes it as simple as possible to work out the additional cost over the base price. Just add in what you required, to work out the additional cost. Let me know and then i can provide an individual cad drawing to suit you needs.

Arched railing drawn with shoulders (flat either side of arch), can also be fully arched. How far it rises in the centre is personal preference. The arch railing adds additional cost over the basic flat railing, because obviously time is required to bend the arch to the required shape. Plus bars need to be individual gut to fit into the arc. Whilsts its difficult to give the additional cost that an arch adds because it really does depend on size. But usually adds around £40 upwards of the basic frame. Patterns can be added to this type of frame as with all arch frames, But care needs to be take to scale it correctly due to the additional height in the centre.

Full arch rail with no flat shoulder.. These are best suited when there is just one panel or when you have multiple panels close to the same size. This is because as the arch gets wider it needs to be taller to maintain the same shape. If the arch was the same height but wider the curve would be “flatter”..
Its not unusual to provide a to scale cad drawing, and revise it a few time in order to get the curve right

Dipped railing, really the same as the arched except the curve comes down. Like the arched this is more difficult to make than the basic ladder. As each bar needs to be measured, to fit the curve. So no time saving using the saw stop, but it does give a nice effect. This is more suited to a taller railing as the dip need to be enough of a drop to be effective.

more images on wall railing gallery