These wrought iron style side gate designs are best suited to gates around 5 to 6ft tall, the drawings show are based on a 3ft wide opening. wider or narrower gates may have a different upright bar count, so the patterns may or may not work. We would obviously advise on that and possibly need to produce an individual drawing based on the size you provide.

This is the most simple side gate, no frills. Ideal for keeping pets or children in..
Prices start from £180

Another no frill economical gate design
Prices start from £195

Dip down top, to a little style to the basic plain gate without adding a large price tag
Prices start from £215

Wider spacing at the top to give a less closed in feel but tighter gapping on the bars at the bottom to keep pets in.
Prices start from £250

Decorated with C scrolls along the middle and top
Prices from £300

C scrolls, S scroll lots going on here
Prices from £350
The number of designs here are restricted, but its not all we do.. It just a tiny portion of the designs available, to many designs for me to publish on the website due to the time constraints of me doing it. I be honest my preference is to make something different each day, after all who wants to do the same thing again and again. I might have made one gate today and i could be making another tomorrow, chances they will be of a different design and that keeps the fun in the work.
The video on the left is to give some incites into the possibilities available. This covers frame designs or some of the different shapes that can be used from the classic arched gate to the standard rectangular frame
you will have to excuse the bad narrating its something that i am having to get used to doing for the various videos dotted around the site.
.The video on the right, gives an idea on bar design, the infill of the gate.
both are designed as an aid to designing your own gate, which isn’t as difficult as it seems, and probably not as expensive as you might think.
I will be honest here, i can never compete with the cheap imports sold in DIY stores and nor would i want to. I want to build something that last and that will be enjoyed for many years to come. but i also know people don’t have a fortune to spend on what is nothing more than “just a gate”.