The most simple of garden gates, but still using a high specification of materials. Designed as a more economical choice, with adjustable width hinges.

As this gate only contains 5 upright bars, it is not suited to keep small dogs in, gaps between bars at 915mm wide would be 120mm, at 1000mm wide 136mm wide.
Material specification:
Frame: 30mm x 8mm flat
Uprights: 12mm round
Scrolls: 13mm x 5mm flat cold formed
Weight 915mm wide, 915mm high: 11,5kg (1150 grams)
Price including painting
to fit 915mm (3ft) gap at 915mm high – £120
to fit 1000mm (3ft) gap at 915mm high – £125
to fit 915mm gap at 1200mm high – £130
to fit 1000mm gap at 1200mm high – £135
This is made to measure, with no addition charges for odd sizes, if its 945mm wide then it will be charged as in-between price of 915mm and 1000mm, same applies to height.. Bar spacings will be evenly spaced so that all gaps are even. Larger gates will have wider spacings
Can be supplied with posts if required, recommended minimum post size would be 50mm square hollow section. These can be either a concrete in type or a bolt down type depending on requirements. Prices for posts £50 each..